The GSS Semi-Annual General Meeting is coming up on Tuesday, March 23rd. While I am going to post an announcement poster below, please check the Semi-Annual General Meeting page for details.

Notice of GSS Semi-Annual General Meeting

Date: Tuesday, March 23rd, 2021, 5 pm – 7 pm; Registration 4:30 pm ~

Location: Online! ‡ Via Blackboard Collaborate (check your email for link)

Who may vote: All UVIC graduate students, actively registered as of March 2, 2021.

What you need: Your UVIC ID card (ONECard) student number, a strong internet connection, Chrome internet browser, and prepare by reading the SAGM materials*.


  1. Call to order
  2. Land acknowledgement
  3. SAGM attendance and quorum report
  4. Approval of the agenda*
  5. Approval of minutes from the Nov. 20th Annual General Meeting*
  6. Decision: GSS Bylaw Amendments*
  7. Decisions: Stipend Review Committee motions for stipends
  8. Decision: Presentation of the proposed GSS 2021-22 Budget
  9. Reports to the membership:
    1. Membership and representation report
    2. Report of the 2020-21 Executive Board*
    3. Reports of GRC Standing Committees*
    4. Extended health and dental insurance plan update*
  10. Ratification of acclaimed Board of Director candidates (Chair)
  11. Election for vacant Board positions (Director of Finance and Director of Services)^
  12. Introduction of the 2021-22 GSS Board of Directors
  13. Other business (with notice of motion)/announcements
  14. Adjournment


~ Emergency preparedness: In the event a major power or technology failure disrupts the March 23rd meeting, the SAGM will be reconvened on March 30th at 5 pm.

‡ Any member with questions about the SAGM online format should email Karen at

The GSS Bylaws can be found here:

*All relevant meeting materials will be posted by March 16, 2021, at:  Meeting participants are required to read all materials prior to the meeting. Substantive questions or concerns about the materials or motions should be emailed prior to March 23 to

^Please contact the GSS Electoral Officer, Tiffany Kuo, at for more information.