The GSS would just like to remind everyone that our Extended Health and Dental plans are in their annual Change of Coverage (Black Out) period.
Every year, from September 1 to mid-October, the insurance plan goes into a period of blackout. This means that during that time, no claims can be submitted to Pacific Blue Cross until after that period ends. Insurance coverage for eligible claims is retroactive to September 1 once the blackout is over.
The GSS will inform members when the blackout is ended and when they can start submitting claims to Pacific Blue Cross through the GSS e-bulletin. You may sign up for GSS e-bulletins here.
Keep your receipts for any eligible expense normally covered under the insurance plan dated from September 1 to mid-October. These claims can be submitted at the end of the blackout period either online or by mail.
For online claims, please create your account by registering first and setting up direct deposit.
For paper claims forms, please visit our forms page to print out a paper copy.