Important update: Starting in 2022, the GSS is moving to fixed opt-in/out deadlines. The deadline for Health and Dental Opt-ins/Outs will be:
September start students: September 22.
January start students: January 22.
Comprehensive Coverage
There are two types of health insurance in Canada: primary and secondary. All UVic students must have both primary and secondary insurance as students are required to have comprehensive coverage for the entire duration of their studies in Canada.
Basic insurance covers physical visits and diagnostic services, like x-rays, doctor’s appointments, and laboratory testing. Primary insurance coverage is provided by your province of residency for domestic students (e.g. BC Medical Services Plan) and by Mandatory Temporary Medical Insurance (MTMI) for newly arriving international students. The GSS does not administer BC MSP or MTMI.
For issues relating to basisc/primary insurance for international students, please contact International Centre for Students at
Please note that International students must submit a Medical Services Plan (MSP) enrolment application when they arrive in BC. Find more information about this process here.
For more information on BC MSP, visit BC Government’s health care system website. If your residence is in a different province or territory, contact your home province/territory health service about maintaining your coverage while studying out of province.
Extended insurance (like the GSS Extended Health and Dental Insurance Plan) covers prescription drugs, dental care, vision care, and paramedical services. The GSS Extended Health and Dental Insurance Plan does not replace BC MSP. All residents of BC must have basic insurance coverage, BC MSP or an equivalent Canadian Personal Health Number while in Canada.
Coverage dates vs. coverage limits: GSS Extended Health and Dental coverage runs through the academic year, from September 1 to August 31. PLEASE NOTE: Although insurance coverage runs from September 1 to August 31, most benefit limits follow the calendar year (January 1 – December 31). In other words, some benefits limits (i.e. the monetary caps on each benefit type) reset on December 31 of each year (with the exception of vision care, parts of dental, and eye exams). Please check the insurance coverage booklet for information on individual benefit resets dates.
- Our extended insurance company is Pacific Blue Cross.
- Our group policy number is 43222.
- Your personal ID number is the last seven digits of your student number.
Every year, from September 1 to roughly mid to late-October, the insurance plan goes into a period of blackout, during which you will not be able to submit claims, use direct billing or access your online account with Pacific Blue Cross. Visit the Blackout (aka registration) section of this website for more details.
Full coverage details can be found in the Health and Dental Insurance coverage booklet on our Forms and Booklet Page. Hard copies of the booklet are available at the GSS office.
The GSS Health Plan Coordinator is Abby Fleck. She can be reached by email at or by phone at 250-721-8816. Please include your full name and UVic student number when sending an email. Her workdays are Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 am – 3 pm. Please contact her to book a phone or in-person appointment.
You are automatically a member of the GSS Extended Health and Dental Insurance Plan if you are:
- registered in 3.0 or more units in September or January (including thesis or dissertation)
- registered as an on-campus student
- registered in a graduate co-op program
Please note that automatic assessment criteria applies to domestic students residing outside of BC and International Students living outside of Canada.
Consult your tuition account summary on My Page to confirm that you have been assessed with the insurance fees.
Changes to your registration status at any point during the school year may interrupt your insurance coverage. Contact the Health and Dental Coordinator to see how changes to your registration will affect your coverage.
Change in registration includes:
- Leave of Absence (as outlined and approved by Graduate Admissions & Records Office)
- Dropping below 3.0 units in one or more terms
- Withdrawal from program
- registered as a part-time student
- registered as a distance student
- a family member (one spouse and children) of a registered student
If you are not automatically registered, you are still eligible to join before the September 22 for students in September, or January 22 for students starting in January. Visit the Opt-in section of the website for more details.
All opt-ins/outs need to be renewed each year. September for students registered in the Fall session and January for students registered in the Winter session.
For more information please contact the GSS Health Plan Coordinator at
Graduate students registered as on-campus, full-time (3.0 units or more) in September, are assessed with insurance premiums for a full year (12 months) of coverage. Fees are charged with your tuition once per academic year in September. This coverage is effective September 1st – August 31st.
It is the students’ responsibility to monitor and maintain their registration status in order to remain eligible for the GSS Extended Health and GSS Dental Plans.
Graduate students registered as on-campus, full-time (3.0 units or more) in January, are assessed with insurance premiums for 8 months of coverage. Fees are charged with your tuition once per academic year in January. This coverage is effective January 1st – August 31st.
It is the students’ responsibility to monitor and maintain their registration status in order to remain eligible for the GSS Extended Health and GSS Dental Plans.
January start students have a blackout period from January 1st until mid-February. After the blackout period ends, students can submit eligible claims for services paid upfront.
Students that started in January, and later register for courses in the following September will be assessed to rejoin the GSS Extended Health and GSS Dental plans in that following September.
Students registered as on-campus, full-time (3.0 units or more) in May are not automatically added to the GSS insurance plan, but can opt themselves (as well as their family) in for the summer semester. The opt-in deadline for the summer semester is May 22nd. Opt-ins are available for the Extended Health and/or Dental insurance. Opting in will provide coverage effective May 1st – August 31st.
Please contact the GSS for information on opting in for the summer term.
Please note that students enrolling in the dental plan after March 1st will have a reduced financial limit on their dental claims. Please contact the Health and Dental coordinator for further information on these limits.