Advocacy & Campaigns Committee

To identify key issues affecting graduate student wellbeing and success, and to advocate for policy and procedural changes that are meaningful to graduate students.

Advocacy & Campaigns Committee (previously Student Affairs)

Contact the Chair & Co-Chair

Director of External Relations
Director of Internal / University Relations

Advocacy & Campaigns Committee Core Mandate

  • Propose, plan and organize political action campaigns approved by GRC;
  • Propose, plan and organize advocacy work on graduate student issues;
  • Identify and research issues affecting the membership;
  • Develop and implement GSS campaigns and actions outlined in the Annual Plan;
  • Communicate progress on advocacy campaigns to the membership;
  • Identify campaign issues and strategies to recommend for the next Annual Plan.

Interested in joining this committee?

Are you on the Graduate Representative Council? Fill out the 2023-24 Committee Preference Form, indicate the Advocacy & Campaigns Committee as your top choice, and submit your completed form to

What have we been working on?

The Advocacy & Campaigns Committee is new as of April 2024, and will be building on the work and projects of the previous Student Affairs and Communications committees. 

In the last year, the Student Affairs Committee initiated the ongoing Lactation Friendly Campus project, which has been undertaken by Robert Lapper’s Social Justice class, with the Committee assisting to develop a person-centred design for addressing the issue. Additionally, the Committee created the Climate Action Working Group, who will continue work to alleviate climate stress through connection and activities, including a monthly Show & Share gathering, and a Climate Action Info Fair.

Ongoing projects which may be taken up by the Advocacy & Campaigns Committee include the Food Sovereignty Resource List and the fostering of food sovereignty opportunities and initiatives on campus.

 The Communications Committee was previously responsible for producing and reviewing all GSS communications to its members, including communications about elections and referenda, our yearly Handbook, and also covering our social media strategy. Major projects undertaken by last year’s committee include the development of a new GSS Welcome Brochure to introduce new students to our services, a new Health & Dental Brochure, which highlights key points regarding our coverage for our members, and the welcome swag bags which will be rolled out for September 2024.