Vote Yes Campaign

The GSS Executive Board is endorsing a YES vote in Question 1 (on automatic enrollment for distance students) in the June 2020 Health and Dental Plan referendum.


Why vote YES in the health and dental plan referendum on distance student health and dental plan fees?

Because it is easier

Normally, most graduate students are on-campus students and are automatically enrolled in the GSS Extended Health and Dental Plan. Automatic enrolment is easy, and members can be confident they have high quality insurance without interruption.

Because missing the opt in deadline has a negative impact

Insurance is strictly regulated and must be purchased in advance. Missing the opt in deadline can have serious consequences for those who rely on the insurance benefits for their health.

Because automatic enrollment is less expensive

Distance students pay more for the plan because the opt in rate is typically $10 more per year than the automatic enrolment rate charged with tuition.

The 2019 opt in rate is based on the majority of members being enrolled automatically. If the plan shifts to a majority opt in model, the GSS will need to increase the opt-in price to avoid under-funding the plan administration. We expect the GSS may need to raise the opt in rate from $10 to as $30 more than the automatic rate if membership is derived primarily through opt ins.

Because those with comparable coverage, or living outside Canada, can opt out

As in past years, any student with their own comparable coverage may opt out of the GSS extended health and dental plan fees during the opt out period. 

Students who live outside Canada (and do not have BC MSP or other Canadian provincial coverage) can also opt out.

Because it protects against future cost increases

Our plan was founded to save students money in their health insurance, and to ensure every student had access to quality extended health and dental benefits. Group plans use automatic enrollment to pool risk. This keeps fees lower for plan members while guaranteeing the plan has adequate administrative budget.

Better together in the student health plan