Lauren Matheson (the graduate student representative for the Search Committee for the Dean of Social Sciences) asked me to reach out to graduate students for feedback on the Dean of Social Sciences position criteria. 

Here is Lauren’s message:

Dear colleagues,

As you may be aware, the university is in the process of searching for a Dean of Social Sciences. The Appointment Committee has now been formed in accordance with Appendix B of the University of Victoria Policy GV0450, Procedures for the Appointment and Re-Appointment of Deans. This process is both comprehensive and consultative and so today I am reaching out to you for some initial feedback on the position criteria.

The procedures indicate that the Committee must first meet to establish the criteria for the position. The Committee will be meeting shortly to consider the criteria for the position: attached you will find the criteria used in 2019.

As this is a very important matter for the Faculty of Social Sciences and the University of Victoria, we encourage your feedback on the criteria. Given the timeline for the search process, please provide any feedback you have on the criteria for the revised position to me via email by noon on February 10, 2020.  I look forward to serving as one of your representatives. I will reconnect with you at the appropriate points in the process to get your thoughts and feedback.

Thank you for your time and input, and please let me know if you have any questions.


Lauren Matheson, MSc

Lauren can be reached at