The GSS Annual General Meeting is coming up on Tuesday, November 23rd. While I am going to post an announcement poster below, please check the Annual General Meeting page for details.


Annual General Meeting

Date: Tuesday, November 23rd, 2021, 5 pm – 7 pm; Registration 4:30 pm

Location: Online! ‡ Via Zoom (link to be emailed to all GSS members)

Who may vote: All current UVIC graduate students

What you need: Your UVIC student number, an internet connection, Zoom, the AGM materials*


  1. Call to order
  2. Land acknowledgement
  3. Invited Guest Speaker – Robina Thomas Qwul’sih’yaht, UVic’s first AVP Indigenous on the AVP Indigenous role and her goals in office
  4. Approval of the agenda*
  5. Approval of minutes from the March 23rd, 2021 Semi-Annual General Meeting*
  6. Membership report and AGM meeting quorum report
  7. Decision: Presentation of the audited financial statements*
  8. Decision: Reappointment of the auditors
  9. Decision: Bylaw changes*
    1. Membership Definitions
    2. Elections and Referenda
    3. General Meetings
    4. GRC
    5. Executive Board
    6. Records
    7. Non-partisanship
  10. Reports to the membership:
    1. Report of the 2021-22 Executive Board and Executive Director*
    2. Reports of committees of the society*
    3. Extended health and dental insurance plan update*
  11. Other business/announcements
  12. Adjournment


~ Emergency preparedness: In the event a major power or technology failure disrupts the November 23rd meeting, the AGM will be reconvened on Wednesday, November 24th at 5 pm. Any member with questions about the AGM online format should email Karen at


*All Board reports will be posted by Tuesday, November 9th. The audited financial statements will be posted by Tuesday, November 16th at:  AGM participants are required to read all materials prior to the meeting. Urgent questions or concerns about the materials or motions should be emailed to The GSS Bylaws can be found here: